We have heard from our good friend
the Luke's (link here) Aunt Karen that he is not feeling well right now.

Don't know all the details, but his cancer seems to have metastasized to other organs. Please, please send him some good vibes. The posts on his blog are older, but we are sure if you comment on them, he and his mom will know everyone is thinking of them.
GReat job The Daisy!
My mom and I have just finished pawing a few furiends so they khould tell a few to tell a few more -
The Luke
The Bleu
The Mom
will be the recipients of Golden and Sibe Vibes from Khrossed Pawsylvania!!!!
Khousins Merdie and Harley, Khyra's Mom, and Khyra
We did not know that. Thank you very much for letting us know.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We are there with you and have lots and lots and lots of paws crossed for our pal, Cool Paws Luke - and his whole family.
Oh no!! We'll go right over. Thank you for posting.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We have visited Luke's blog, we are praying so hard for him as he is loved so much by so many.
Hamish & Rescue Sophie &
Mom & Dad,
Sheila & Bob
woofs, oo noo. i thought he was feeling better...he's in our prayers and thoughts..
b safe,
We have left a comment, and we posted their link on our blog to help get more good vibrations going.
Mogley G. Retriever
Thanks so much for letting us know. We will leave our love right away!
Consider it done...
Thanks for letting us know.
We will run over and check on them right away...
Thank you for letting us know...
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny
Thanks to y'all this sad news is spreading far and wide. We are feeling so helpless Ms. Amanda must be devastaed by this. We loveMs. Amanda, The Bleu and The Luke. They do so much for homeless animals and those less fortunate than themselves. We are praying for Luke's comfort and welfare and for Ms.Amanda's strength through this adversity.
The Bumpass Hounds + Kitties
Oh no! I've been following Luke's progress and I though he was on the road to recovery. I'llhead over his blog. Thanks for letting us know.
Happy Holidays!
I luv u, sweet doggie. :) Here is a cuddle. {{{The Luke}}}
We came over from Khyra's blog to tell yoo we are purring for Luke, and sending yoo ALL love!
We came from Khyra's blog. We have been wondering about Luke and where he was and hoping he was on vacation. We are so sorry he isn't doing well and will be praying for him even harder. Lots of love, Holly and mom
Oh dear... we heard this news from Sierra Rose's Mom last night, and went to see da Luke and did find his older post we'd seen, but left another urging him to keep fightin' that evil "C". Please thank your Momma so much for tellin us the news - we join everyone in sending Luke the Power of all our Pawses.
Luke is so brave - we are thinking pawsitive thoughts.
Huge hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
We are adding our purrs for Luke to feel better!!!
We came by fro Khyra's to leave purrs and tail wags for Luke too.
i am going to see Luke now..with crossed paws
Please let us know if you hear anything more... We've sent our hope and love on Luke's site.
Thank you for letting us know, we'll go check in. So sorry to hear that :(
We know the Luke and we are continuing to Pawray for him~
You beaTeeful goldens we are new Christmas Furiends of~
Beauteeful pho-toes we got~
Thank yous~
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas~
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
Our momma said she has a broken ♥. We know that the Luke's momma's ♥ must be in a million pieces.
Dear the Luke, we l♥ve you and we will stand by you and cheer you on while you fight the good fight. But, if you are really tired and want to go to Heaven we will understand that, too.
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