Hi Friends. Hope Santa Paws was good to you. He sure was to us. We got new stuffies from Mommy and Daddy. No picture, but some yummy treats from our human grandmother.

And a bag from our good friend Miss Cathy

It had more stuffies and some good treats.

Leo must be insulted that these treats are not for him.

Look at my new slipper.

Tucker says, finally I get to spend time with my football.

Leo says, is there anything else under here?

The other thing we got is some snow, but no pictures yet, Mommy said it was too cold to go out and play for too long.

Hope Santa Paws was good to you too.
you guys sure got some great pressies :)
Wootwoot! A slipper stuffy!!! Fantastic :) Hope you get to go play in the snows...fun!
Happy Christmas friends.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hey there Tucker, Daisy, Leo, Heidi and Warren,
I'm so glad you had a fabulous Christmas! You all look so well - wonderful to see!
Sending lotsaluv
Woo must have been extra good this year!! The cat, not so much.
Now, get out and play in da snow!!!
Mya Boo Boo
The top photo is a mouth full classic !
If you keep the receipts on your toys you can take them back when they fall apart. They don't make toys as strong as they did when I was young. Now they hardly last a few days.
A toy may last a day or two, but the pieces will last till spring.
Mogley G. Retriever
LOVE the photo of the cat interested in the "Good Dog" treats. Hilarious! Hope you guys had a Merry Christmas!
Looks like a good Christmas! I am sure you are enjoying the treats and toys.
Wags N Kisses,
I wonder if Leo took the hint?!?
Khyra The Snowless Siberian
Um, I didn't see any gifts for Leo? Thanks for coming to my birthday yesterday!
What a wonderful Christmas, we are so happy for you! Tucker you look so sweet cuddled up with your football!
Daisy, you are the cutest with your snooter scrunched up by a toy :) Glad you two got lots of gifties!
Alla' our snow got melted 'cause it rained here an' we live right at the Canadian border, geesh!
But, it is cold again and it looks like we will be havin' some mighty fine poop-sicles again really and really soons!
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