Friday, May 29, 2009
Tucker Guard Duty, Sleepy Daisy and Prayers for Benson
"Tuck, what's out there?"
On a sad note, our friend Benson from Thoughts fur paws is not feeling well. We have seen notes on his blog from many of our friends, but if you have not met him, or stopped by, maybe you can send him and his mom Jaime and brother Gibson some good wishes.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
And the winners are:
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Birthday gifts, part 2
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Birthday contest post.- Amended version

Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris came after seeing us on Khyra's blog. They are three kitties and a dog.

Checkers introduced Luke, a nice Golden friend of ours. We had considered introducing him ourselves, so we are glad Checkers did the honors for us. This is Luke and his brother the Bleu.

When we visited their blog, we found out that they had entered the contest. They introduced our mutual friends, Gus and Waldo. A great choice.
Then some new friends, JD and Max, a pair of cute schnauzers, came by to visit and enter the contest. They introduced us to their friend Finn, a German Shepard.

Next up is our kitty friend, the beautiful Huffle Mawson.
Another new friend that we have seen around is Suzuki.

She introduced us to a cute Japanese Spitz named Charlie.
Last, but certainly not least are our friends Luna and Elizabeth. Luna is a gorgeous young Golden.

We are so glad we had so many entries to our contest. It was so much fun to meet some new friends. We were interested to see that no one introduced the same friends. Some of our current friends were introduced, but they were mostly lesser known ones that we are glad to have showcased.
Mommy is concerned that she might have missed somebody who entered by the deadline when she helped me put this post together, so we are going to put the drawing off until Friday. If we missed you and you entered, please leave us a comment or e-mail us at by Friday and we will add you. Otherwise, Internet permitting we will announce the winners on Friday.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Birthday Presents !!!!!!!
There were also these cute cupcake dog cookies.