Our friends the Bumpass Hounds
http://bumpasshounds.blogspot.com/ gave us this award.
When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog”. Well, there’s no prize, but the recepients can keep the nifty icon shown down below. So we have to list at least ten honest things about ourselves and then, pass it on!"
Since there are three of us, we are going to each post 3 things, and one group item.
1. Tucker does not choose to bark. He can, but mostly he doesn't, except when something really interesting, like a deer or a horse walks through the yard. He is a real Silent Cal.
2. Daisy doesn't bark much either, but she is far from silent. She warbles and chortles, and sings about her toys, and her Daddy says she sounds like Chewbacca. See our Goofy Daisy post for an example if you haven't already.
3. Leo is a major Mommy's boy. One of the reasons he is a Golden wannabe is that when Mommy leaves the room, he has to follow her like a puppy dog.
4. Tucker is the best dog ever. He lives to be a good boy, he practically housebroke himself, you can do anything you want to him and he is always the perfect gentleman.
5. Daisy is a free spirit. She marches to the beat of her own drummer.
6. Leo has lots of cat toys, but his favorite thing in the whole world is the plastic piece that holds the cap on the milk jug.
7. Tucker is the only member of the family who can do any tricks. He can shake hands and can balance a biscuit on his nose until told to get it, drooling buckets if you leave him waiting too long.
8. Daisy loves her toys. Every time she gets a new one, it's the best thing she ever got, until she gets a new one, and then that one is the best. She would like to have stuffies, but Tucker surgically removes the squeakers, so she can't have them.
9. Leo is Mommy's assistant for all things crafty. He helps with crochet, cross-stitching and quilting, even when Mommy doesn't think she needs help.
10. The three of them love each other, though as with all siblings, they have their moments. One second Leo is rubbing on the dogs, the next he is hissing at them, but they all enjoy hanging out together.
So many of our friends have already gotten this award that we are not going to give it to anyone specific, but invite anyone who hasn't played along to have some fun with it.