Mommy tried to take us for a walk in the snow, but it was so deep, she couldn't walk. So we played around the barn for a while.

The beautiful
Miss Sugar had a contest a couple of weeks back to win a fun bumper sticker and we won. It came the other day. Mommy says she will put it on our car as soon as she can get a clean spot to put it in.
We are supposed to tell you 7 things about us, so we will tell some things about us and some about Mommy:
1. Tucker is Daisy's uncle. Daisy is a puppy from Tucker's sister Shamie's first litter.
2. Mommy is a librarian and loves to read. Sometimes we wish she would stop reading and play with us.
3. Daisy has a formal name: Ox Kill Shamrock's Lucky Daisy. Tucker is just Tucker (but we love him anyway.)
4.Leo thinks he should run the whole world.
5. Mommy loves to quilt and spends a lot of time sewing. Sometimes we wish she would stop sewing and take us for a walk.
6. Tucker loves to go for rides in the car.
7. Mommy loves the Boston Celtics. We wish she would stop watching the game and blogging and feed us.
We are supposed to give this to 15 other blogs we love, but it's too hard to pick, so if you want the award, please take it with our complements.