Our good pal Cathy, who works with our Mom, sent us a Thanksgiving present.Looks cool, doesn't it? Ohh, look, Pup-peroni. We looooooove Pup-peroni. Thank you, Miss Cathy. We love it when you spoil us.
Well, not really but on Friday mom went to the Equine Affaire all day and left us all alone. She didn't get home until after midnight. (Well maybe not all alone, Dad was home a lot of the day, and we love him, but really.)
And did she think of us? We don't think so. I mean she did bring home these samples: And these, pretty yummy. And we did get new bandannas, thanks to our human grandma for getting one so we could have matching ones. But she came home smelling of lots of horses, she couldn't possibly have been missing us enough.
When Mommy came home yesterday she had a big envelope addressed to us. In the envelope were these cute stuffies with a nice note from our friend Farley.Mommy tried to give us each one, but Daisy completed her plan for world domination and grabbed both of them. So Tucker was Tucker and waited patiently. But sometimes we can share. Thanks Farley. We love our new stuffies (and Tucker got to play eventually.)