Our Mommy wanted to go and visit her best friend Viv in Kentucky, and we got to come along. We took 2 days to drive there and spent the first night at the
Econolodge in Hagerstown, MD. They were very nice there and dog friendly, if you ever need a place to stay in that area.

We went on lots of nice walks while we were there, and saw this barn while we were walking.

It was time to make hay, so we saw lots of hay bales.

One day Daisy thought she won the doggy lottery. This bird dropped out of a tree right in front of us. Mean Mommy wouldn't let her grab it, but made us wait while she took a picture.

These horses were out playing every morning when we were out for our walk.

Mommy got to go to a farm and spend some time with the baby horses, but we had to stay home.

We had a great vacation, and loved Kentucky. Isn't it pretty?

Can't wait to get to everyone's blog and catch up with our friends.