What a great day we had. First we woke up to this. About 5 inches of snow. Mommy said this was a pretty snow.

Mom took us out to play in the snow.

Tucker was having fun looking for the perfect stick.

Daisy says, "What am I missing?"

Mom was getting ready to throw a snow ball in this shot. Daisy is ready.

Tucker after a good roll in the snow.

A little snowy bitey face.

After all our running around, we had to stop and work on the snowballs in our feet.

Then in the afternoon Mom took us to have our picture taken with Santa Paws. More on that later. She made us new scarves to wear in our picture.

Our friend Cathy met us when we went to see Santa. She brought us a pre-Christmas present.

It was a bag of T-Bonz treats. They are yummy, we give them 8 paws up. Thank you Cathy.

We are now sleeping off our day, but Mom spared us any more time with the flashy beast.