Our good friends
Augie and Ti had a contest were you had to guess the works of literature that Ti was demonstrating. If you haven't met them or you missed this post, check it out
here. It is adorable and funny. Our Mommy is a librarian, so she helped us guess, and we won. We got a great package from Augie and Ti, with this great card.

Just getting the box was fun. It had an Augiedoggy.com sticker.

It was also personalized for all of us.

Here we are with our nice box.

And inside it had stuffies!!!!. Daisy is in love with the lamb. It makes very funny noises.

This is Tucker looking sad because he knows Daisy the evil toy hog will be back soon to take the lamb back. Mommy had to lock Daisy up so he could play with it for a few minutes.

Augie and Ti even included Leo, sending him this cute mousie.

It's very hard to get cats to pose for pictures, but we tried.

Daisy has the other new stuffie, a really cute elephant.

Thanks so much, Augie and Ti. We love our new presents.